Story: BP & their sub-company GBS wanted to create a 28 page “on boarding” booklet that they could give to all of the new employees who started at their company. They wanted the booklet to be “foodie” themed, as Melbourne is such a “foodie” city. The written content was provided by a team from BP as well as direction regarding how they wanted the map, colour scheme, as well as photos to be used. It was my job to lay out the content in such a way that was engaging, helpful and fun. Often when you work with corporations you think it needs to be boring, but here’s a great example of a corporation lettin’ loose a bit! When the project was complete, the project leader said:”It’s a shame I can’t bottle up the praise you’re getting internally at BP for [the booklet] and pass it on to you…Needless to say, we’ll absolutely keep you in mind for future projects.”-Matt Barrett, Innovation Advisor at BP Global Business Services